Plan Better. Build Better
DELTA ROAD TRADING & CONTRACTING CO. WLL. is attuned to the potential safety, health, and environmental impacts of its operations and activities. In keeping with DRC policies, which are incorporated herein by reference, DRC will implement a Safety, Health, and Environmental Management System to address these potential impacts and to carry out operations and activities in a manner that is protective of human health and the environment. DRC company’s policy is to review costs as appropriate, to do all that is reasonable to prevent personal injury and damage to property, and to protect staff and the general public from foreseeable work hazards including environmental nuisances. In particular, the company has a responsibility:

★ Ecology and Habitat: We will protect habitats, wetlands, and other sensitive ecological resou-
- ★ We will also alert potentially affected individuals and authorities of any safety, health, or envir-
- -onmental incident(s) in a timely and effective manner through investigations will be condu-
- - cted, and corrective and preventive actions implemented and monitored.
- ★ DELTA ROAD promotes the participation of its workers in the continual improvement process.